
Year 4

Mathletics will continue to be updated, please complete the challenges set: remember, Miss Sykes is continuing the weekly update!
Times Tables Rockstars
Please continue to practise times tables set online. Try out different challenges and aim to increase your speed. We would like you to practise times tables up to 12x12.
BBC Bitesize
Bitesize is continuing to provide lessons every day. These might differ from the 'White Rose' resources, located at the bottom of this section. Keep practising what we've looked at.

Maths is fun

This site is a great tool to revise and look at a range of mathematical concepts in great detail from geometry to fractions. Try out something new if you haven't!

Maths is Fun


Topmarks Games

Have a look at these fun and interactive games to practise your decimal and fraction knowledge. There are more games for other topics we have covered too!

Topmarks decimals and fractions games


White Rose resources

Please find below the resources and lessons for Summer 2. These include lessons and videos which match closely with how we would teach the content. Try to work through them all and keep up to date with these resources. Directly below is a overview of previous weeks' lessons, further below is the following weeks lessons.

Home Learning Overview





This half we are learning about Animals and their habitats. Here are some links to introduce this fascinating topic. 

Classifying animals

How animals are adapted

Learning about food chains

What is evolution?

Now it's time to get out and about! What animals share your local area? Think about where they live, and what they eat. How do their physical characteristics help them to live successfully in their habitat?




 Our new topic this half is France: our closest neighbour? What can you find out about this European country? What things do we have in common - and what differences do you notice?


Spelling, punctuation and grammar

The children should complete one of the grammar tasks below each week. Please read the instructions for each question carefully as we have given some clues to go with some of the questions.



We would like you to keep working on the list 'Reading Journal' activities we sent before Easter. Please try to complete one of these tasks each day. The children can use a school graded reader, or a book from home. These tasks should be competed in your child's exercise book.


Continue to read a range of fiction and non-fiction books with your child. Suggested questions to help deepen your child's understanding of their books can be found on pages 100-101 of their 'Home School Reading Record'.


Get Epic

We have set the children a number of books to read related to our topics on Get Epic. This digital library is free to use during school hours and the children should read 1-2 books each week. Most books come with a quiz that should be completed after the books have been read carefully.


Get Epic can be accessed via this link or through the Get Epic app. 

Get Epic log in


The children should select students and then log in using their class code.


Writing & Spelling


A new focussed writing task is attached below. The file called Y4 Unit features a series of activities based around a story called "Mission Possible". The booklet guides you through the process of planning and writing a story. Please work through the tasks at your own speed. 


Weekly spelling lists are provided for each week. Please practise these words daily ensuring the children are aware of any spelling patterns and are able to explain meanings of the words and can use them in a sentence.


Additional daily writing tasks can be found at:

Daily writing task

Please use the picture for inspiration for writing and answer the questions provided on the website.


The National Literacy Trust have a fantastic range of ideas and activities. These include reading and writing tasks along with access to videos, audiobooks and other resources.


Literacy Trust Family Zone


Mrs. Hague has kindly added the following resources in light of missing the 'Scottish Opera' sessions, which would be happening this term. Please find four resources, one for Scottish Opera, and three activities you can have a go at to flex your musical muscles!