
Year 5

Hi, Year 5!

We hope you and your families are all doing well, and have managed to make the most of the glorious sunshine we’ve been having recently!

Well done for the work you have been doing. We have added even more activities that you can do – they might just pique your curiosity and keep your imagination going! A lot of the activities give you the chance to be really creative and you can take them in whatever direction you wish.

However, we know that routine can be really important too – after all, we have our timetable at school usually – and we have of course had conversations on the phone with many of you and your parents about this.

At school, we would be having lessons of approximately an hour of Maths and English each morning, so – if you think this would help you – you could structure your own mornings this way too, if it suits you and your family. In the afternoons, we would have been exploring the other subjects; why not do the same if that works for you?


A suggested routine:

Session 1: Maths (White Rose, Classroom Secrets, and/or BBC Bitesize)

15 minutes break

Session 2: English (BBC Bitesize, Pobble and/or Reading Record activities)

30-45 mins lunch break

Session 3: Project Time (one of our other suggested projects/activities)


We would suggest each session for English and Maths to be between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

The afternoon projects may well take more than one afternoon and therefore can be a little more flexible!


These activities and associated links can all be found in the appropriate section below, but our top tips for useful sites are:

White Rose Maths

BBC Bitesize (with online teaching videos)

Oak Academy (with online teaching videos)

Outwood Academy

Mathletics and TTR are familiar favourites too, and these can be used to support the White Rose work which is better at explaining mathematical concepts that we might not have done so far this year.


Remember: Joe Wickes is live at 9am and is a great way to start the day off well. If you can’t make 9am, it is still available all day!


Many of the sites, especially the Maths ones, will provide answers too. Remember, Year 5, that it is great to challenge yourself, to take risks and indeed make mistakes. We all do, and it is important for our learning!

However, it is equally vital to know, if you HAVE made a mistake, where you went wrong. As we encourage in class, if your answer does not match the correct answer, go back and find and correct your mistakes - this is often when the best learning takes place, and can be very satisfying too!

Remember: your logins will remain the same as they are in your Reading Records. If there are any problems with logging in to anything, or indeed any other questions, your parents can contact your teacher via hello@westjesmond.newcastle.sch.uk . 

Hopefully, we will see you all before too long – we certainly have our fingers crossed! 


Best wishes,

Mr Rimmer, Miss Jordan and Mr Mansfield.



White Rose Resources

Daily lessons in line with what the children would be learning in school will be available. Worksheets and answers will be added to support the lessons.

Many different packs are available in line with the Year Five curriculum, and include daily problems here.


Classroom Secrets

There are plenty of year-group specific activities here, which are updated weekly. 


Corbett Maths

Here you will find more daily problems to keep your Maths skills fresh and up to speed! Choose your level of challenge and check your answers. 


BBC Bitesize Maths

There are lots of activities here to recap and challenge yourself. 


Maths Games


https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button is particularly popular in class!



 I See Maths

Here you will find a range of challenges aimed at Year Five and Six, complete with videos explaining how to work things out. 


You will be more than familiar with these two sites; they should not be the only Maths work you do but can support it: 


TT Rockstars


Week Commencing June 1st
Week Commencing June 8th

Let's Get Entrepreneurial 

Imagine you are an ‘entrepreneur’. (If you’re not sure what that means, look it up!)


 What life-changing, money-making invention can you come up with your imagination?


Would it be a product (a gadget, machine or other object) or would it be a service (something you do for other people for a price)?


What would it look like? Draw a plan, complete with dimensions and the materials used.


What would it be called?


 Explain what it does/how it works


What would the benefits of your product or service be?


How might you advertise to increase customer awareness of your product or service? You could design an advert, with persuasive language features in there.


How might you diversify or develop your product or service to become a bigger business?


Lockdown Survival Guide

Write a survival guide for another 9/10 year-old in the future, or even someone from a different planet about how they might make the best of a lockdown situation.


You could include suggestions for individual/family activities, how to exercise safely, how to be careful with washing hands etc. Remember the guide we wrote about the jungle: survival guides need clear instructions and a calm assurance.


Write a letter to someone who might never have encountered this situation. How have you felt? What changes have you had to make to your lifestyle? What do you miss? What advice do you have for anyone else?


 Inspirational Interviews

Think of someone well known from the past or present who you think is quite influential, or a ‘hero’, or has had some kind of impact on your life, or life in general. Imagine you are going to meet them, and write down five questions you might ask them.


You can then use appropriate pages on the Internet to research what the answers to these questions might be.


Challenge: Perhaps you can turn the outcome (imagined or researched) into a conversation, and write it up, practising accurate speech punctuation.

Create Your Own Hotel

Imagine you have been given the task of designing a hotel/hostel/camp/holiday resort, and then having to pitch it to investors with the aim of them paying for it.


What would your hotel be like? Is it next to an ocean? Is it in a skyscraper in the middle of a big city? Is it in the middle of the forest? Is it on a different planet? Who is your target audience? What facilities would it have? What would a typical room look like? What would the pool area look like if you had one? What does it look like from the outside? Is yours a 5-star hotel? If so, how will you ensure it is the best hotel? Perhaps you are looking more at running an environmentally-friendly hotel – how will you manage this?


The investors would want to know everything about your hotel, so your pitch would have to be detailed!


CHALLENGE: present it to your parents, imagining they are the Dragons on Dragons Den, and answer any question they might throw at you!


Maybe your pitch could be recorded and shared via the school’s social media….

Move Over, Football!

We’d like you to try and invent your own sport. This might be improving a current sport, making it more difficult, or coming up with something completely original.

How would you play it? What equipment would you need? What are the rules? How do you win? What skills would it practice? What would the playing area look like? Is it an individual or team sport, or both?

CHALLENGE: Share a film of you playing it, or perhaps include your family members, through the school’s social media

CHALLENGE: What social-distancing games/physical activities can you think of as the lockdown restrictions start to ease?

Here are some activities that Mrs Hague has sorted for you to explore.



Remember to keep reading as many age-appropriate books, eBooks, magazines and online articles as possible, including a balance between fiction and non-fiction.


You have the reading tasks in your Reading Records to continue… can you tick each one off three times?

In your comments, remember to justify your thoughts and opinions, using evidence from whichever text you are commenting on. 


 BBC Bitesize English



Here you can read a version of the play written in Standard English, which might help you get to know the story a bit more. If you audition successfully for the play, you'll be given a script that is written in Shakespearean English.

Macbeth is famed for its witches, who perform spells, and there is one particularly well-known spell that they recite and cast:


Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and caldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the caldron boil and bake;

Eye of newt and toe of frog,

Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,

Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

 Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and caldron bubble.

Cool it with a baboon's blood,

Then the charm is firm and good.


Challenge: Can you write your own spell, in the form of a poem? What might you put in it? What effect might it have? Perhaps you can get creative and make a potion using what you have available at home – cooking/baking items, bubble bath, art equipment.



 Pobble 365

This website provides a new image each day, all of which are accompanied by a story starter and other activities such as ‘sick’ sentences to improve and make them more sophisticated, sentences to complete and prompt questions to stimulate discussion.

When completing writing activities, children should be thinking about:

-      Sentence types (simple, compound and complex)

-      Relative clauses (subordinate clauses that give extra information and are not necessary for a sentence to make grammatical sense). These begin with relative pronouns, such as which, that, who, where and when.

-       Sentence punctuation (capital letters, full stops and appropriate commas, for example)

-       Showing emotions and actions, rather than telling

-       Figurative language, including similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification and onomatopoeia.

-       Varied sentence starters, such as pairs of adjectives, three –ed adjectives, or three verbs

-       Ambitious vocabulary

-       Consistently joined and legible handwriting

-       Reference to a dictionary and thesaurus to check spellings and synonyms to enhance the reader’s experience


Write a review of a game/film/book you have enjoyed/not enjoyed recently.

Summarise the plot

Tell the reader what you did like, what you didn’t like (if appropriate) and why.

If it was a book or a film, did you have a favourite character, scene or event?

How does it compare to other, similar games/films/books?

Who would you recommend it to?

How might it be improved?

Try not to give away any spoilers!


Write an alternative ending for your favourite book or film

What might have happened if a character made a different choice?

What might have happened had a different character been involved instead of that one?

Alternatively, write a prequel or a sequel to that story.


Word Study 

Pick a word from the 5/6 list in your Reading Record.

What does it mean?

Does it have more than one meaning? Show it/them in a sentence(s).

What other words might be in that word family?

What synonyms can you think of for that word?

What antonyms can you think of for that word?


Oxford Owl

This is free at the moment for you at home with lots of eBooks that you can read.


Get Epic

When you’re outdoors, either in your garden or out for a walk, look for signs of wildlife. What animals/species can you see signs of? Why do you think those animals are there in particular?

What trees and plants can you spot as you spend time outdoors? Can you identify what type they are? Perhaps you could start a photographic collection of the different types of trees or flowers that you see.

You’re on the Year 5 page now but don’t forget to check out some the other tabs on the website; for example, there’s some activities to do with Spanish, Humanities and Computing.

REMEMBER: when doing online research, you should always take care to ensure the websites that you use are age-appropriate, reliable and safe. If you have any doubts about something you arrive at online, please talk about it with your parents.

More information about being safe online can be found at these websites:

Think You Know

For parents: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/

Country Fact-finding Project

You could use the internet to research countries that interest you. What can you find out about that country’s geography, culture, history, or famous citizens?


Perhaps you could compare different cities, countries or regions from around the world… such as comparing Newcastle to New York City, Pakistan to Australia, or Africa to Antarctica.


You could also make fact files about different countries.

Create Your Own Country

You could design your own country. There are almost unlimited aspects to think about here:


What language does its citizens speak? (Maybe you could come up with your own and write a translation guide!)


Where in the world is it located?


What impact does its location have on its weather – can you describe its climate? 


Is your country landlocked or does it have a coast? You could draw a map of the country, showing all of the cities and other geographical features, as well as its neighbouring countries.


What is your country’s cuisine like – what food do they eat, based on where they are in the world, and what is the land like? You could write a recipe for its national dish.


What is the national sport of the country? You could make your own sport up, designing its playing area and rules. How might you win it?


What does the country’s flag look like? Consider why you have chosen that design – do the colours/shapes represent something in particular?


What is the government of that country like? Does it have a monarch? Does it have a president, so is a republic? How do people achieve power?


Remember: this is your imagination, so enjoy – see what you can come up with!




Continuing our work on the topic of ‘Space’:

What can you find out about how our solar system works?

What can be found in our solar system?

What can you find about the events of July 20th and 21st, 1969?

What can you find out about Tim Peake?


Challenge: create a fact file about the Milky Way.

Challenge: create some space-inspired artwork.


NEW: Design a rocket for a trip into space. How would it work? What would it look like on the inside and the outside?

Can you make a model out of it using anything you have at home?


What 5 luxury items might you take with you (that you can fit in a backpack) on your journey? Why would you take those particular items?


NEW: Imagine stumbling upon another planet, and finding a city there, or even building one yourself. What would it look like? Draw a space-cityscape. How would its inhabitants move around there?

Stop Motion Movies

If you have access to an app called Stop Motion, you can make movies on it. It’s the format that the makers of Wallace & Gromit, among others, have used. You can use plasticine, toys, Lego, or anything you are able to use at home, and the app lets you take lots of photographs one after the other, and then strings it together into a film.


You take one photo, then change the scene very slightly. For example, this might be a toy car moving a centimetre at a time, or a Lego man’s arm moving up or down, or his head turning, but it is quite simple to do with a bit of patience. You can then create whatever story you want. You can also design backdrops, or other props using whatever you think is appropriate.


TOP TIP: Take each photo from EXACTLY the same place every time to make it look as professional as you can. There will be examples on YouTube, including here.


Theme Park Tycoon

Put yourself in the shoes of a millionaire business tycoon who has just bought a big area of land, and you have the task of designing and running your very own theme park.


What rides would you put in? How would you lay it out? What other facilities would you need? What staff would you need? What would it look like – can you draw a birds-eye plan of your park? What would the main entrance or the best rollercoaster look like if you were stood in front of it? What would your theme park be called?