
Year 6

As Year 6 are now welcome back to school we have updated our home learning site to reflect this; we will no longer be in a position to update this site.
We know that some of you are still working from home for a number of reasons. Below you will find a variety of resources that you can access to continue your learning.
We are continuing to set a range of work on Mathematics which you can access by clicking the highlighted text. This will keep your work varied, so make sure to alternate. Don't forget to continue to use Times-table Rockstars and Topmarks maths games.
We miss you all, stay safe!
Year 6 Team
If you click on the image above, it will take you directly to the Year 6 section of the Bitesize daily site. Each week these lessons are updated and are created by teachers. The topics and content of each Bitesize is design to meet the needs of children of this age group.
White Rose Maths
At school we follow the White Rose scheme of Maths and they have produced weekly live lessons as well as activities and tasks to support learning at home. To make things easier, you will find the live lesson by clicking the picture above.
My Mini Maths
You can also find additional worksheets, questions and challenges by clicking the image above. There are also a host of videos to explain a variety of the topics listed.
Helping your child with maths
Below you will find a few resources that can guide you through supporting your child with Maths at home.
Oak National Academy
In response to the Covid-19 outbreak the government created the Oak National Academy. This is a huge resource with lessons covering most areas of the national curriculum for year 6. These are updated regularly and also cover core subjects such as English and maths.
Click on the picture above to access the Year 6 section of their site.
SeeSaw Home Learning
As the children are learning from home on a Friday they can find their work on SeeSaw. Below you will find a how to guide, which will give you brief walkthrough of the apps main features. However, the app is used regularly in school, so the children will know how to use it and its features.
Below you can also find the answers to the children's maths and grammar activities. 
Grammar answers
Friday 19th June: Test 1
Friday 26th June: Test 2
Friday 3rd July: Test 3
Friday 10th July: Test 4
Maths answers
Friday 26th June: Fractions and Ratio
Friday 3rd July: Calculate Angles
Friday 10th July: Interpret Line Graphs