
Year 1

Hello Year 1!


At the moment we are not together in school but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep learning together!  We know that many of your grown ups are working for home, or trying to, and you can do your work at home as well.

We have updated the school webpage with new things for you to try. Some of it might be practising things we have done in school together and some of it might be new to you.

Either way, let’s try and have some fun as we learn. Don’t forget any logins you need should be in your school reading diaries. Any problems then contact school, we are all in a rota so someone will be there! 

 We miss you all and hope to see you soon.


Miss Byatt, Miss Condliffe, Mrs Robinson, Miss Whitten & Mrs Young,

Mrs Masri & Mrs Hafiz


Each week there will be a picture or a short video and each day there will be a task for you to do based on this stimulus. Enjoy and happy writing… 



Every day you have a new reading challenge.   What will you be reading today? If you love reading and are looking for some extra books, from this half term onwards we will no longer be using Bugclub to support our reading. Instead we ask that you use Epic using this link:




Click on the ‘students’ access and enter your class code (this will have been emailed to your grown-up). We will keep you informed of any updates moving forward. So long Bugclub, hello Epic! Happy reading Year 1!


Or, why not try Oxford Owls free e-books which is the same levelled reading scheme we use in school


 Try reading books from where you left off at school.



You have a new list to practice each week. See what your new words are for this week on

Spelling Frame.


Each day you will be given an activity and a game to play to practise your phonics sounds. See how you get on…and remember there are loads of games available on Phonics Play.
You will find the English task sheet for each week below.....
 Week 1  picture stimulus is...
 The Journey
Week 2 Picture Stimulus
The Beach
Week 3 Picture Stimulus
The Rainforest
Week 4 Picture Stimulus
The Post Box
Week 5 Picture Stimulus
Our School

Vocabulary is important as it plays vital role in speaking, listening, reading, comprehension and writing. Readers must use the words they hear orally to make a sense of the words they see in print.  Children who hear more spoken words at home and school learn more words,  have a better vocabulary and will apply it in their writing. Your child will learn the meaning of most words through everyday experiences:

 They engage daily in oral language

They listen to adults read to them

The read on their own


Although a great deal of vocabulary is learned in these ways, some vocabulary needs to be taught.  As a school we are continually encouraging the children to explore their ‘word consciousness’.   In our lessons we have been teaching new vocabulary on a daily basis using ‘Wizard Words’ based on our English Text.


As we are not using a specific text, why not have a try at these ‘Word of the Day’ activities.  You can use the interactive PowerPoint document below or you can use the PDF version and record your answers on a piece of paper or in your exercise book.


Vocabulary can be FUN! – try playing these games with your family:






Why not try some of our fun Vocabulary games below!

Other English Activities
Talk for Writing
Talk for Writing, developed by Pie Corbett supported by Julia Strong, is powerful because it is based on the principles of how children learn. It enables children to imitate orally the language they need for a particular topic, before reading and analysing it, and then writing their own version. The attached resource has been designed with parents in mind, for home learning, and to allow children to work independently. This resource we have provided offers a useful step by step guide to developing story writing. Why not give it a try and we would love if you shared your work with us.



You may also want to try out this website:




for some quick writing challenges.

These writing challenges come with tutorial videos to support creative writing and have been created to make it easy for children who are home learning to create some inspired writing. The first challenge is a book review so come on Year 1 what’s stopping you! Let’s read about what you’ve been reading.

This half term we are looking at forces. A force is a push or pull that has an impact on an object. A force can cause an object to accelerate, slow down, remain in place, or change shape. You can change how much force is applied to an object. When you push a ball it accelerates, this means moves. When you apply more force and push the ball harder it will accelerate faster.
You can find the Science Lessons for our Forces topic below.
You will also find some fun weekly Science activities here:


Our topic this half term is Grace Darling so we have planned lots of lovely, exciting art and creative activities for you to complete.  You could record them in a sketch book if you have one or on a piece of paper.  If you don't have all the resources at home don't worry, just do the best you can!


Some of our activities are based on Seascapes.   Salt can be used on water colours to create this wonderful effect. Watch the video below to find out how!  Try to use this technique in one of your art pieces.


Click HERE for Salt on water technique video


 Other Creative Ideas

We all love a good challenge! If you have some spare time, try these Creative Challenges.  There are 30 different drawing ideas to use your imagination and put pen or pencil to paper and draw!  Use a piece of paper or a sketchbook if you have one.
See the activities on the PDFs below!



 Check out the maths lessons for each week of the Summer Term– one for every day!  You will find the Maths Activities task sheet for each week in the PDF below this box.

You can also practice what you have learned by logging onto Mathletics.


 So far this year we have taught the children:

  • Counting and Representing numbers
  • Number bonds to 10 and 20 – with instant recall
  • Place value to 50
  • Addition and subtraction up to 50
  • One more/less than
  • Geometry – properties of 2D and 3D shapes 
  • Comparing different lengths and weight
  • Using and applying standard and non-standard measure

During this period of school closure, we would usually be teaching the children about the following:

  • Multiplication and division of 2,5 and 10
  • Simple fractions (half and quarter)
  • Geometry – Position and direction (under, over, beside, in front of, behind, above, below, between, forward, backward, left right, turn)
  • Place Value up to 100
  • Money – recognise coins, notes and add small amounts to make a total
  • Time – o’clock and half past

Other Useful Resources 

Below you will also find a number of useful resources to support your child in their maths work.


All activities have been made available for your child to learn and explore. Your child’s login information is in their home school diary.


 Education City

We have been using this online resource in school regularly in lessons and the children should be confident in accessing maths activities. There is a raft of games and learning screens to support them.



You can now sign up for free on this website.  There are a range of interactive and printable activities to complement the Year 1 Maths Curriculum.



This half term our topic is all about Grace Darling. Can you research her by completing the lessons below and looking online!  After you have completed your research you can create a fact file. How you do this is entirely up to you!  You have all half-term to complete this. Think about who she was, where she lived, life in a light house. What was it that made her so remarkable? What did she do that made her famous? What does being famous mean? You could include some art in there too.
Useful resources and the weekly lessons are included in the documents below.
Check out the following pages:  Humanities 1 and Humanities 2  for more fun activities to complete!
Check out the Computing at home page for Year 1 activities and links!
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education is a school curriculum subject in England which focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and attributes to keep children and young people healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work.  Especially during these unprecedented times, we feel it is important to continue to support the health, relationships and wellbeing of our children in year 1. Below you will find a short online story. Once the children have watched it, there are some questions to help the children reflect and think about different aspects of the story and their lives. Perhaps you could talk about one of these each week with your child.




Lots of things in our everyday lives have changed just now. Can you think of things you have done to help you deal with these changes? Can you think of things you have done to help other people? Draw a picture of one of these times- it could be helping out with chores at home, clapping for our NHS workers or something else.
In the story, Kevin is terribly good at three things: clinging, napping and munching on leaf-buns.  What three things are you really good at? Can you draw a picture of these skills? What skill do you need to improve?
Why is Kevin afraid of change? How did his friends help him? Can you draw a picture that shows this?
What does this story teach us? What does it mean to have a ‘CAN-DO’ attitude? How could you use this in your own life? Can you draw a picture of someone you look up to that has an attitude like this?





 Why not join in PE with Joe’ – 30 minute sessions on You Tube with Joe Wicks at 9am

Or maybe play a game in the garden, do a dance in the living room or even do some chores around the house! There’s always Cosmic Kids Yoga if you want to relax.


Or if you are looking for something more active try https://www.gonoodle.com/


General Curriculum Resources

There are a wide range of resources on Twinkl that cover all areas of the National Curriculum. There is also a specific School Closure Pack for Year 1 that can be downloaded and printed.  



Other useful websites:

















Year 1 Fun!
Week 1 Try this tasty recipe below and post a picture on our Facebook or Twitter feeds! 
Week 2 Look at our bird feeder
Week 3 Try this fun 'Tiny Treasure Hunt 'activity.
Week 4 Try another tasty recipe!
Week 5 Make a mini book
 For More FUN!
Here are some nature-based activities you might be able to do in your garden at home or when you are out for your daily activity.