
Curriculum in the Community

Curriculum in the Community is something we are very passionate about at West Jesmond Primary School,and we are proud that as a school we are able to play a key role in the life of our local community.  Each year, organised by the Jesmond Community Forum, we host the annual Jesmond Community Festival and take part in the parade through the streets of Jesmond.
We take every opportunity as a school, to work closely with local businesses and charities resulting in some very unique and exciting learning opportunities for our children. Amongst others; we currently have close relationships with Cake Stories and The Flower Folk on Brentwood Avenue, Tesco and Hayes Travel on Acorn Road, Jesmond Library, Jesmond Community Orchard, who organise our apple grafting, planting and juicing events in school, Jesmond United Reform Church, St. Georges Church, choir and musical performances at the local residential homes for the elderly and the Great North Museum.
On a wider scale; we have participated in The Newcastle’s Citizen’s Assembly competition, The City Hall Concert, Citizenship Ceremonies at the Civic Centre, and BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking Festival at The Sage. We also take part in many whole school events such as fundraising for local and global charities, local competitions and campaigns e.g. The Exhibition Park Lakeside Project. 
As a school we are always looking to further our connections in our local area so please do get in touch if you feel you have anything you can offer.